Sunday, February 2, 2014

Reasons Why a Literal Hell makes no sense.

The teaching of literal hellfire is a fear mechanism, nothing else. What better way than to snare someone to whatever you have to say than to tell them they will be punished for not doing this or that.

#1. Humans live for around 70-80 years old. Let's say that in this lifetime, you didn't  murder, but you were selfish, greedy and fornicated. Why would God make you suffer for eternity for the things you did in a relatively short period of time? Even the Old covenant law "tooth for tooth, wound for wound" would sound like childsplay in comparison

#2. Jehovah has no reason to torture imperfect humans. God intended for the meek to inherit the earth. He has absolutely nothing to benefit by roasting us alive. Now if he was to gain satisfaction at torturing then I would understand why he would do so. But we know that God is love and no loving person enjoys watching people suffer. Jesus said the road leading to destruction is broad and many are heading towards it. So if hell was real, that would mean the majority of his human creation would be in pure agony while the rest are living peacefully.

#3. Complete destruction makes more sense not only because it is more humane, but it also ties in perfectly with God's original plan. Why not just destroy the ungodly to keep them away from the righteous? A fiery literal prison is just going overboard. If you're a literal Hellfire believer, you're probably wondering what makes me think that God's moral laws are the same as mine? Well we were created in his image for one. Even though i'm imperfect, Jehovah doesn't seem like the type to make you suffer forever and ever when he could just destroy you and fulfill his purpose with the righteous.

#4. What about people like evil people like Hitler? I know what people are thinking. A guy of Hitler's calibre deserves to roast forever. Well that could seem reasonable to most, but not me. If those who were oppressed by Hitler and the Nazis entered into God's Kingdom, they wouldn't even have any hate towards those who caused them harm. They would just be glad they made it. So while it might seem justified to those who think Hitler's a scumbag who deserves to be punished, It would still just be more sensible to just do away with him. Why not just destroy him and let the past be past? Unless you want the satisfaction knowing he's getting the fiery revenge he deserves. Although a perfect man/woman in God's Kingdom wouldn't have that kind of thought process. You would leave that behind in your sinful bodies.

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